Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I want to remember every moment i was there; it seems important somehow. The plane came in over the Mediterranean, out of clouds, then suddenly I could see water in the dawn and city lights on the golden land. The landing was smooth, entry easy-there were so few of us on the plane, landing on shabat. I stumbled thru customs, a row of ugly green wooden booths with bullet-proof plastic windows staggered in a row. Conveyor belt hallways, I was so tired, luggage, more officials, then Sapir! She looked wonderful and it made my heart sing to see her. We found a shayruk and entered it. A few non-English speaking folks were already there, more came. An Israeli cop stuck her head in and demanded to know how much we were paying to travel to Jerusalem. She repeated her question, everyone just staring at her. Finally Sapir said, "It costs 50 shek" and the offiicer said "Fine. Don't pay him any more than that," and ducked out. We rocketed down the center of the highway/freeway toward the city of my dreams, thru the greening dawn. I saw palms, cypress, cedars, lots of shrubs I couldn't identify, rolling rocky hills, distant towns, signs in three languages. And my sapito.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Home, but i wish i wasn't....

London was a precursor to Jerusalem: Coventry Garden, Picadilly Circus, the area down toward the palace, southbank. Street performers: a sad and dirty old Donald Duck weakly waving for change. I shook my head and said, "You're not quacking." Next time I walked by he squeaked at me. Saw a giant chair w/ a hidden figure under dress clothes, a pair of spectacles above the neck for his "invisible" head, top hat above that; an excellent ball-and-cups man, a 2 metre unicyclist, tumbler, musicians. The streets were narrow and crowded, crazy drivers, helpful citizens, small shops specializing in expensive merchandise. The sky was bright blue, the air clean and crisp amazingly enough! A waxing 3/4+ moon appeared over ancient stone and brick buildings. I wandered little narrow alleyways, under overhanging rooms or through tunnels, finally found Rock and Sole Plaice, est. 1871. Fin CSer Niko found me checking out the basement tables ("right thru the kitchen, love, down the stairs") , we were joined by Wanderer Girl from Malaysia and Adventurer7 from Trinidad/London. Excellent but pricey Rock and Chips. We wandered thru the market, around Covent Gardens, Picadilly Square, down toward Trafalgar Square and all the famous buildings. We chatted w/ a man in a dress, stepped into pubs and shops, wandered w/ a Guiness in hand. Fountains, Freemasons, Hercule Poirot in person, 50 pence coffee, double decker buses, red phone booths, statues, lights, more lights, cheerful friendly folks. A taxi driver appeared to be buying the entire lot of peanuts from a vendor on the bridge: he was actually a copper busting the man for illegal peanut sales. Anthony knows where every bathroom in the area is. the South bank is colorful, with the Eye, lights changing colors on the museums, a shuk with mostly toys and sweets, a carousel, wide paths, sculptures, free music, bridges over the reflecting Thames. Truly a beautiful city.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


a movie I didn't care to watch the other night drove me to playing around on CL. I started looking at M4W around the globe. A few were straight-forward requests, but it seems some odd people post. One man was "tired of the games Am. girls play" but posted a pic of his bare torso. One wanted a family and wife to take care of it. One poor guy posted in multiple countries (Hello! I've always wanted a Croatian/Greek/? bride!). Several posted pics of themselves w/ a woman (!) It struck me as humorous surely, but sad overall.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Turning one

Micah is the most beautiful boy in the history of the world...stunningly perfect, curious, sweet-natured, highly intelligent. I'd love him no matter what, but it's fun to have a grandbaby just as wonderful as his momma was...
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